Get a message's read receipts
Returns a list containing the IDs for all users who have
marked the message as read (and whose privacy settings allow
sharing that information).
The list of users IDs will include any bots who have marked
the message as read via the API (providing a way for bots to
indicate whether they have processed a message successfully in
a way that can be easily inspected in a Zulip client). Bots
for which this behavior is not desired may disable the
setting via the API.
It will never contain the message's sender.
Changes: New in Zulip 6.0 (feature level 137).
Usage examples
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import zulip
# Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
client = zulip.Client(config_file="~/zuliprc")
# Get read receipts for a message, given the message's ID.
result = client.call_endpoint(f"/messages/{message_id}/read_receipts", method="GET")
curl -sSX GET -G \
message_id integer required in path
Example: 43
Return values
: (integer)[]
An array of IDs of users who have marked the target message as
read and whose read status is available to the current user.
The IDs of users who have disabled sending read receipts
("send_read_receipts": false
) will never appear in the response,
nor will the message's sender. Additionally, the IDs of any users
who have been muted by the current user or who have muted the
current user will not be included in the response.
The current user's ID will appear if they have marked the target
message as read.
Changes: Prior to Zulip 6.0 (feature level 143), the IDs of
users who have been muted by or have muted the current user were
included in the response.
Example response(s)
Changes: As of Zulip 7.0 (feature level 167), if any
parameters sent in the request are not supported by this
endpoint, a successful JSON response will include an
A typical successful JSON response may look like:
"msg": "",
"result": "success",
"user_ids": [
A typical JSON response when attempting to access read receipts for
a message ID that either does not exist or is not accessible to the
current user:
"code": "BAD_REQUEST",
"msg": "Invalid message(s)",
"result": "error"